it’s gooD
to talk
We don’t always need to, but if we do, it’s
good to know that you can pick up the
phone and talk to someone. No appointment
necessary, no blood test results at the ready,
just talk to someone from your home (or
anywhere you can get a signal).
ometimes it’s not even the (patients going on the pump for the first few minutes long, but frequently can
diabetes that gets to you, it’s time), and also attend pump clinics where be 30 minutes; some last as long as an
everything else, but you need people on pumps come along and ask hour. the average however is about 10
to let off steam, or just plain questions or take education sessions. minutes. summer Boffee is Customer
get some perspective. now Candidates wear a pump, which contains service team Manager. she says, “We
there are excellent services provided by a non-harmful saline solution, but is often get calls after people have been on
charities and other suppliers. Here we otherwise fully functioning and infusing as the pump for just a few days. they are
look behind the lines at how they work. any pump would. told very early on in the process of going
When they initially start on the actual onto a pump that they are welcome call
Taking Care Careline, the new team members listen the help line – that’s what we’re here for.
Careline support comes free to anyone in to calls before taking calls themselves, We hope that they all feel free to use it.”
who chooses an accu-Chek blood and at that point their calls will be listened
test system or insulin pump. technical into, so that the fullest support and Dumb questions
support is available 24/7 for the pump knowledge is available on the line to the Is it possible to ask a stupid question?
and its handset (technical questions for caller. In all, the training process is rarely “some people might be a little bit
the remaining range of accu-Chek meters less than six months and it’s not unusual embarrassed when they call up,” says
are handled by a different team). to go as many as 12 months. staff who summer, “but we soon put them at ease,
as any one on a pump knows, there is end up on the Careline therefore gain and likewise if they are stressed. not
a lot going on with a pump, so the people ability and confidence over time before understanding your pump, or having a
who man the phones have extensive being fully competent to take calls on their problem with it that you feel you can’t
knowledge of all aspects of the pump own. should anything unusual crop up, solve on your own, can be worrying, but
and pump therapy. all members of the there is the rest of the team’s knowledge we will put you at your ease. there is so
team gain extensive training in order to be to draw on. much information given to you when you
on the technical helplines. to begin with, first go on the pump, it’s to be expected
there is a week of intensive training at FAQs that you can’t take it all on. It is perfectly
Roche’s European offices in Switzerland. the average length of a call for the normal for people to have questions and
then the candidates attend ‘pump starts’ technical team varies. often it is just a we do not believe that there is any such