ArTifiCiAl PUmP ‘rEAl-WorlD’ TriAl
Tom Brobson has recently taken part in an artificial pancreas clinical trial, and
made a video about his experience. tom is the national Director for research
Investment opportunities at JDrf in the us and has been involved in a number of
artificial pancreas trials over a number of years. He took part in this trial, which took
the system out of the hospital into the real world, wearing the artificial pancreas
for three days and nights as part of a clinical trial run by a group of researchers at
the university of Virginia. JDrf has helped this research progress from a concept
to a working system that is now in clinical trials outside of a hospital setting.
similar trials are currently being conducted in the uK by Dr roman Hovorka at
the university of Cambridge, some of the funds for which are provided by JDrf.
aLCoHoL stuDy neeDs surVey PartICIPants
Dr. Katharine Barnard, Health Psychologist and senior research fellow at the
faculty of Medicine, university of southampton is conducting research into
minimising the risk of alcohol for young adults with type 1 diabetes. the project
is using an online survey to reach t1s aged 18-30 years. the survey, which is
funded with a small grant from Diabetes uK, needs 1,000 responses. the survey
consists of a ’10-drink quiz’ related to alcohol content and the self-management
strategies that young t1s use to stay safe when drinking.
Participants are invited to complete the web survey provided at the link below,
which will take approximately 10-15 minutes. It asks questions related to alcohol
health literacy, diabetes and the strategies that participants use to stay safe while
drinking alcohol. Click link to complete the survey: Alcohol Survey.
The DUAG group (Dafne User Group)
has set up an e-petition to try and
persuade the government to provide
a central source of funding for
diabetes education. The intention is
to help avoid the postcode lottery that
can affect diabetes education. The
aim is to get 100,000 signatures by