CAlliNg All SPorTS FANS!
animas, the company behind the animas Vibe
insulin pump with integrated CgM, are holding
a sports and exercise weekend in May, at Loughborough university.
at the event you can hear from Dr ian gallen, Consultant Physician
and endocrinologist, as he presents on diabetes, exercise and sports,
improving performance and glucose control.
While you are there, you can participate in practical exercise
workshops — Cycling (gym based), Circuits, badminton or Volleyball.
You can then share your experiences and learn from others in a
workshop setting before meeting the healthcare professionals. the
team will be there to assist and guide you in theory and practical
sessions. in addition, there’s a talk by 26-year-old Chris southwell
(pictured left), a professional free ride snowboarder, who has type 1
diabetes. anyone over 18 years old with type 1, who is on either insulin
pumps or injections is welcome to come and play.
animas & exercise Weekend, Loughborough uk 10-12 May 2013.
it’s well known that diabetes, an in the scale developed by the Wake
inflammatory disease, increases the forest researchers, a score of 0 means
risk of developing heart disease and indicates no calcium buildup in the
related complications-also the result of arteries, thus no heart disease risk. a
inflammation. score more than 100 usually means a
now there’s a way of predicting which patient has heart disease. at its high end,
type 2s may be at the highest risk of the scale runs to 1,000 or more, a level
dying from cardiovascular disease. the at which the risk of deaths from heart
‘coronary calcium score,’ developed by disease increases dramatically.
researchers at the Wake forest school Based on their findings, the researchers
of Medicine in north Carolina, measures suggest that coronary calcium scoring
the build-up of calcium on the walls of be added to the repertoire of diagnostic
coronary arteries. tools healthcare users use when dealing
type 2 patients with very high calcium with people with diabetes. in any case,
scores can be more than 11 times more they advise, type 2s should make sure to
likely to die from heart disease than routinely ask their doctors to assess their
patients with the lowest scores. the risk for heart disease. the study has been
study was based on results derived from published in Diabetes Care.
tests on 1,123 adult patients with type 2 This story originally appeared on
diabetes, aged 34 to 86 years. Diabetes Health.