Soy good
for you
Despite being a bean, the superstar that is the soy bean (or soya
bean) can be made into so much more – and it’s low on carbs.
oybeans are an absolutely and copper. they are also a very good
ancient food source which source of protein.
originated in southeast
asia. they are known a 172g serving (one cup) of soy
to have been grown by beans, cooked by being boiled in water,
Chinese farmers around 1100 bC. since contains:
then, they have spread far, becoming 298 calories
recognized as an excellent source of 15g fat (24% of your rDa)
protein and a base for many other types 17g carbs (6% rDa)
of foods – like soya milk. 29g protein*
traditional non-fermented food uses Calcium (18% rDa)
of soybeans include soy milk, and from iron (49% rDa)
this we also get tofu. but if you ferment
soya bean paste or soya milk you get soy guideline rDa of protein for a woman
sauce, fermented bean paste, miso and is 46g, for men it’s 56. so 29g is around
(less-known in the Western diet), natto, 63% rDa for a woman, but 51% for a
tempeh and tofu skin. bean sprouts are man.
made from a variety of beans. While those those are the stats, but what makes
made of mung beans are most commonly this versatile bean so interesting is its
used today, bean sprouts made of capacity to be transformed into so many
soybeans are also popular. other things. soy sauce is the increasingly
well-known Japanese condiment used
Healthy options to flavour all types of dishes. Made of
as a food, soybeans are very low in fermented, roasted soy beans, there
cholesterol and sodium. it is also a good
source of dietary fibre, vitamin K, iron,
magnesium, phosphorus, manganese
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