are countless varieties and regional soy
sauces that vary in flavour and colour,
much like olive oils or balsamic vinegars.
Little Miso
soybeans can be processed and eaten You can join in Alpro’s current
in several different ways. boiled soybeans competition to win a weekend for
still in the pod are called edamame.
two in New York or one of 1000
soybeans are also roasted or used whole,
keep-cups. send pic of your
such as for an ingredient in rice crackers.
Miso is fermented soybean paste used
breakfast at your desk to their
as a soup base and condiment. Like soy website at Alpro UK or via Twitter.
sauce, miso comes in a wide variety of Competition ends 28th March.
colours (from light to dark) and flavours
(from salty to sweet) and with various
regional differences. Miso is used in many
dishes, most familiarly miso soup.
When it comes to tofu, only the most
dedicated vegetarians and vegans seem
to know or care about it. often also just
called beancurd, as it is soybean curd Above: soy milk is made from ground soybeans and water.
made from soya milk. the curd is pressed similar to cow’s milk, it can be drunk plain or can easily
into blocks and is the basis of a large
variety of dishes. it is packed in water and
be flavoured. Alpro Light is no carbs in it and 100ml only
needs refridgeration and can be used has 1.2g of fat. However, it contains 15% of your rDA of
fresh or it can be marinated, boiled or
fried and put in soups and stews. it’s often
calcium and vitamins B2, B12 and D2. It’s fab in porridge!
called tasteless, though fans call the taste
‘subtle’. flavour can easily be added and
what tofu brings to a dish is protein and
bulk without the fat (unless it is fried). it is
therefore a great meat substitute is you
want to cut back on calories. More exotic
variations include ‘silken’ or ‘soft’ tofu,
which adds a creamier texture to dishes.
right: soy and beetroot
marinated salmon by chef
simon Hulstone. Click the
image to read all about it.