Editor’s comment...
Y ou are not a number, but boy-oh-boy does it seem like it
sometimes. From your weight to blood tests, from the
times and frequency of clinic appointments and insulin
doses (if you’re on insulin), as diabetics we
live in a world full of figures. In our feature
in this issue we look at some of them to help
you figure out the ones you need to take
notice of. Meanwhile, as the year gets into
gear and, while we are in the midst of truly
wintry conditions, there’s plenty of news to
keep us up-to-date (and warm our hearts).
Some of it is also about numbers. As if often
the case, if a thing is not measured, how can
we assess it? As ever, there’s also a lot of
food news too including info on cereals, grains and even beans, all
of which have been cultivated for centuries, standing the test of
time. It’s good news then that all of them are good for the diabetic
diet. So tuck in!
Sue Marshall
neWs fooD neWs Making Carbs Count
Diabetes sports day features Super special cereals from Sharp- From a simple bean, which
snowboarder Chris Southwell. ham Park plus its fabulous spelt- when cooked is already edible,
Calcium scores can predict based flours. Further news on the we also get everything from
coronary health. Take part in the benefits of the ancient gluten-free soya milk to soy sauce and tofu.
Diabetes App Challenge. Peruvian grain quinoa. And it’s good for you.
Published by Desang Ltd the aim of this newsletter is to bring news and information to people living with diabetes. Please check all matters
concerning how you handle your health with your healthcare team. We welcome any feedback on the magazine or ideas for future articles.
Editor: Sue Marshall sue.marshall@desang.net
For details of our editorial policy see the Small Print.