n the summertime In the salt (saltiness) is one of the basic human
summertime we think of beaches tastes. It can be unrefined salt (such as
and seaside, salt-stiffened sea salt), refined salt (table salt) and can
hair and slightly crunchy salt- come in different colours because of its
encrusted skin. But salt’s been in specific mineral content usually based on
the news in recent years in terms of how place of origin.
much we consume in our food.
Too much or too little salt in the diet On the up
can lead to muscle cramps, dizziness, or Salt consumption has increased during
electrolyte disturbance, which in extreme modern times mainly due to its use in fast
cases can cause neurological problems, foods and ready meals. Scientists have
or death. Drinking too much water, with gradually become aware of the health
insufficient salt intake, puts a person at risks associated with high salt intake,
risk of water intoxication (hyponatremia). specifically high blood pressure. This has
The common corrective for this is salt lead to some recommendations to limit
tablets to keep up the necessary salt intake of dietary sodium, though this very
levels. much depends on what you eat.
Salt (such as table salt or rock salt) is Raised blood pressure is the
composed primarily of sodium chloride major cause of the development of
and is essential for animal life. It’s also is cardiovascular disease and blood
one of the oldest, most ubiquitous food pressure is the biggest cause of death in
seasonings and salting is an important the world if you include the strokes and
method of food preservation. The taste of heart attacks it causes. Approximately
continued over