“We’re particularly interested in Great British Fava Beans Facts
searching out less well-known foods, British fava beans are new to the domestic market
like the fava bean, which we still grow All products grown on farms in the UK
and export but haven’t eaten in Britain High protein (25%) and fibre (28%)
for centuries,” says Nick. “Once a staple High carbohydrate (28%)
part of our diet in Britain, our home-grown Low glycemic index (GI)
dried beans and peas became a forgotten Low fat, low sodium
ingredient as increasing wealth meant we Perfect for gluten free falafel
ate more meat and dairy products in the
18th and 19th centuries, replacing pulses
as the main source of protein. While we “Hodmedods are bringing these delicious
still produce over half a million tonnes of
fava beans in the UK every year, they are but neglected British-grown ingredients back
either fed to livestock or exported to the
Middle East and North Africa.”
into the limelight”