e have to be clear
here, we’re not
syaing that these
nice chaps have
been around, but
their beans and peas have. Since roman
times in fact. Another of the things the
Romans did for us...
Hodmedods is a new business based
on the Norfolk-Suffolk border which
focuses on produce from British farms
especially less well-known foods, like Black badgers with bacon and sorrel
the fava bean, which is still grown and
exported but hasn’t really been eaten in Ingredients
Britain for centuries. 200g black badgers
Hodmedods was founded by 1 onion
Nick Saltmarsh, Josiah Meldrum and 1 sprig each of sage and thyme
William Hudson who all believe in good, 1 handful of sorrel, spinach,
sustainable and local food. Their aim is nettles or similar leafy green
to bring these delicious but neglected 3 or 4 rashers of streaky bacon
British-grown ingredients back into the
Salt and pepper
Delicious, nutritious and used in many
fantastic Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Method
African and Indian dishes, British-grown Soak the black badgers overnight, rinse and simmer until soft –
dried beans and peas are very high in 45 to 50 minutes if boiling or 15 minutes in a pressure cooker.
protein and fibre, low in sodium, and Coarsely chop and sauté the onion in butter. Cut the bacon
have a low glycaemic index. They are the into short lengths and add to the onion.
perfect choice for diabetics looking for When the bacon is cooked through, shred and stir in the sage
a British alternative to imported pulses, and thyme. Add the black badgers and 100ml of the cooking
meat or dairy proteins
water or stock.
As well as whole dried fava beans,
Hodmedod supplies split dried fava
Tear up and add the greens. Once the greens are wilted add
beans, green Kabuki peas and dark Black salt and pepper to taste and serve as it comes or with a dollop
Badger peas. The split fava beans are of yoghurt or sour cream.
especially versatile and easy to cook and
are perfect for soups, stews, curries, dal
and dips. Also known as carlin or maple
peas, black badgers are deliciously nutty Also known as carlin or maple peas, black
and firm, making a good substitute for badgers are deliciously nutty and firm,
dark green or Puy lentils.
making a good substitute for dark green
Home-grown heroes or Puy lentils.
All Hodmedod’s produce is sourced from
British farms. Important in British farming
as part of crop rotation, fava beans are a
leguminous nitrogen-fixing crop providing
a break from cereal and oilseed pests
but until now entirely sold for export or
livestock feed.
continued over...