PRODUCT Here are some recent news items
that you can read more about if
RECALL you click where indicated.
Artificial pancreas goes home. An
Medtronic MiniMed is voluntarily recalling update on the ‘closed loop’ diabetes
certain manufacturing lots of model MMT- management system as it comes out
326A (Paradigm Reservoir 1.76ml) and of the hospital environment and into the
MMT-332A (Paradigm Reservoir 3 ml) home.
insulin reservoirs used with our Paradigm Click HERE to read more…
insulin pumps. The company is recalling
these reservoirs due to the potential that
reservoirs from these lots are at increased Diabetes in Vietnam surges. Read
risk for leaking. A leak in the reservoir about how changes in diet and lifestyle
may result in delivery of less insulin than are tking thier toll in this developing
intended and, if there is an occlusion in country.
the infusion set, the pump may not alarm. Click HERE to read more…
Our investigation has indicated that
this increased potential for reservoir
leakage is related to abnormal wear Could skimmed milk be making you
of a manufacturing tool involved in the fat? Just when you thought you were
production of a component used in the doing yourself a favour, now a new study
affected lots of reservoirs. We have says low-fat dairy might be part of the
implemented additional testing and problem, not the solution.
inspection steps to ensure that currently Click HERE to read more…
produced reservoirs will not be subject to For info on insulin
this problem. pumps and airport
Pump users need to log on to www.
security, see p. 12. Diabetes now a disease. Over the US, to check if where they have five times the population
their lot is affected. and ten times the diabetes than the UK,
diabetes has now been classifed as a
disease. But does it really qualify?
Divine Chocolate, the Fairtrade company 45% owned by cocoa farmers, has introduction
Type 1 vaccination. Research continues
of two delicious new flavours to its snack-size range -- Divine Caramel Milk Chocolate
for a vaccine to prevent the development
and Divine 70% Dark Chocolate
of Type 1 diabetes, prevention being
with Ginger & Orange. They add
greater than a cure perhaps.
to the range of six flavours which
Click HERE to read more…
now come in 40g size. The new
Caramel bars are now available in
Oxfam nationwide and from some
The impact of marijuana use on blood
glucose. Maybe wacky backy can help
with glucose control and weight loss...
Click HERE to read more…