To download Diabetes UK's PDF 'Get
the test strips you need' advocacy pack
1. Talk to your GP about the decision.
Have your own personal needs been
considered, or is it a blanket restriction in
your area?
2. Ask for a Medicines Use Review. It's
free and offered by pharmacists to help
you get the best out of your medicines.
Talk about your problems with test
strips or meter and how this affects your
diabetes. The pharmacist will fill in an
action plan and a copy will be sent to your
GP. It should make clear the difficulties
you're facing with your meter, or in getting
enough test strips, and recommend an
increase in the amount you're prescribed.
3. If your local NHS has set the restriction,
ask to see a copy of the policy. Diabetes
Some steps you can take if you face problems accessing strips
UK advises to not take for granted
that your surgery manager or GP are
following guidelines correctly. If you think
your surgery is being too rigid in their
understanding of the guidance, challenge
it. Put forward your interpretations and try
to reach an agreement with your GP or
healthcare team.
4. How to make your case for testing.
Explain how and why testing helps you to
look after your diabetes. Base it on the
type of diabetes you have, the treatment(s)
you use, and the particular problems you
are experiencing in accessing test strips.
Explain these points in full to stress the
benefit that testing is giving you, and the
impact any restriction is having on your
control or your feelings.