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people living with diabetes and their
health care providers to make more
confident care decisions while managing
the complexity of diabetes self-care.
The system connects a patient app to
an online community, collecting and
connecting data from electronic medical
records and from multiple health devices
including wireless glucose meters and
activity monitors. Via smartphone or
tablet, the app gives people continuous
access to such things as blood glucose
levels, insulin use, or nutrition. It also
provides 'coaching guidance'.
The secure online community is
where enrolled patients and healthcare
professionals can interact via private
messaging or shared posts within
a healthcare organization's clinical
guidelines. In this way, patients can get
feedback from their care team using
the combined data and can easily
share experiences with fellow patients,
clinicians and caregivers. The joint
prototype development between Philips,
Radboudumc and Salesforce is expected
to be available for evaluation in limited
markets before end of year.
The system is built on the Philips
HealthSuite Digital Platform and its new
Virtual Health Record initiative. The
platform securely connects devices and
collects, integrates and analyzes patient
data from connected devices, electronic
VIRTUAL HEALTH: Screenshots of Philips Healthsuite.
medical records, and personal health
data. It should lead to collaboration
between consumers, patients and
caregivers. Based on user-friendly
and comprehensive data feedback,
consumers, patients and caregivers can
make more confident health and lifestylerelated