A Leicestershire based provider of
healthcare products and services has
secured new bank funding to support the
future expansion plans of the business.
Spirit Healthcare was established in
2009 the business has enjoyed 20%
year-on-year growth and today employs
26 staff and a turnover in excess of £5m
per annum. The core of the business
is focused around improving the
management of long-term conditions.
Spirit is about to launch CliniTouch
Vie, a software-driven healthcare solution
empowering patients to improve selfmanagement. This patient-centred
approach to healthcare will use intelligent
real-time technology to deliver 24-hour
virtual clinical support at the touch of a
button to dramatically improve the quality
of life for people impacted by long-term
health conditions.
Commenting on the launch, Chris
Barker (top right) says, "We are very
excited about the launch of CliniTouch
Vie. We have a proven model of care that
improves the lives of patients who use it
while at the same time delivering greater
efficiencies and cost saving to the NHS."