World Diabetes Day 2023
An overview of some of what took place on this
annual day held to raise awareness of and support for
diabetes care.
World Diabetes Day
(WDD) takes place
annually on 14
November. This year,
the World Diabetes Day campaign
focused on the importance for
individuals to understand the
risk of Type 2 diabetes, as well as
highlighting the impact of diabetesrelated
complications and the
importance of early diagnosis and
timely treatment.
Organisers (International Diabetes
Federation) and (World Health
A new campaign video was created featuring personal perspectives from people with diabetes and healthcare
professionals on the importance of having access to the right information and care.
To see it in full, click the pic!
Organisation) invited people to get
involved in the 'Know your risk, Know
your response' campaign via the
website www.worlddiabetesday.org
The T1DRA trial
The T1DRA study will answer critical
questions about how Type 1 diabetes
develops in adults. Blood tests will
identify those likely to develop the
condition, allowing earlier, safer
diagnosis. Rollout means UK is first
country in the world to offer general
population screening for children
and adults.
Launched on World Diabetes Day,
the Type 1 Diabetes Risk in Adults
(T1DRA) study aims to recruit 20,000
adults, aged between 18 and 70, from
the general population to assess their
risk. With a similar study for children
- ELSA - launched last year, it means
the UK is now the first country to
offer general population Type 1
diabetes screening for both children
and adults, in a research setting.