Quick test
BetaChek blood test machines by National Diagnostic Products Pty
Ltd Australia. BetaChek is the registered name of National Diagnostic
Products (NDP) based in Sydney, Australia. For more than 30 years,
NDP has developed, manufactured and marketed pioneering diabetes
monitoring products. The range of products include:
NDP is dedicated to providing next-generation diabetes monitoring
through a commitment to research and development including
improvements in ease of use, test time and other parameters that reduce
the burden of testing. The company was responsible for the first 5 second
test for blood glucose, the first memory card-equipped blood glucose
meter allowing a permanent record of all test results.
Its C50 meter is £25 plus £12.50 per 50-test cassette, £9.95 for two
control solutions and £9.95 for 200 lancets. Or there is a starter pack for
£39. Available from Diabetes UK's shop.
Latest MiniMed app
The latest version of the MiniMed Mobile app can be downloaded
and used with an Apple watch for use with the MiniMed 780G
system. If you have both bits of kit, you will easily be able to view
your glucose values and receive notifications on the face of your
watch, or tap to enter the app. The newest update (MiniMed Mobile
app version 2.1) allows compatible Apple Watches to be integrated
with the app, which includes giving notifications. This new extension
only works with the MiniMed 780G pump. After the app update, you
may need to pair your pump with your phone again. To ensure your
insulin pump is successfully paired to your phone, please follow the
instructions on the app. To check if your Apple device is compatible,
Zap it!
There is a new Barcode Scanner feature in the Carbs & Cals app.
If you haven't already tried it, it makes carb counting a breeze by
instantly providing the nutritional info of packaged foods. The app
now has 130,000+ foods in total, including big UK supermarkets
and smaller food shops too (available on the Unlimited Plan).
On their website there is a video covering everything you
need to know, from how to access the Barcode Scanner, to tips
on getting the most accurate results. Whether you're new to the
Carbs & Cals app or a seasoned user, the will help you get the most
out of the app.
They also have a range of other how-to videos, from setting
targets to adding your own recipes and creating custom foods. The
instruction videos cover a variety of topics to help you manage
your diabetes and carb counting more effectively.