Old-fangled still works
We're forever writing about new
technologies in this magazine. Some of
them remove the need for you to input
any blood monitoring data by doing the
tracking themselves and feeding the
results into readers, apps, the cloud or
other software. Yet, for the less techie
types, nothing beats an old-fashioned
blood test diary.
Desang's diaries are £9 for a pack of
six. Each lasts one month (so a cost of
£1.50 per month). Use it to track foods
eaten, medicine, doses as well as results,
which can be traced on a graph. You can
flip the diary to see 'waves' of results on
the pages and spot trends of highs or
lows. The signal will never drop, and there's
no need to charge it!
Excusively available from Diabetes
UK's online shop.
THE DESANG DIABETES DIARY: sometimes only paper and pen will do.
England guidance. Four GlucoRx
meters have been listed on the new
commissioning recommendations
which feature 'preferred' blood
glucose and ketone meters, testing
strips and lancets. It follows a
detailed evaluation, led by clinicians,
to better understand the products
available and how they meet the
needs of all people living with
diabetes. The company's Chief
Operating Officer, Chris Chapman,
said, "This guidance will ensure that
people with diabetes have continued
access to world-class meters, test
strips and lancets. Our own ethos
is that of effective diabetes control,
enabling the best treatment decisions
thereby helping people with diabetes
to live a fulfilling life.
We're proud to be included in
these recommendations, a position
which reflects the continued
efforts of all at GlucoRx to provide
outstanding devices that help people
living with diabetes manage their
condition and help to ease the
burden of living with the condition."
Oliver Brooks, a spokesperson
for blood test meter supplier Spirit
Health has commented on the
commissioning advice by saying, "We
are delighted to be able to offer the
CareSens S Fit as a preferred supplier
on the NHS England Framework.
The NHS England Framework is
designed to ensure that healthcare
professionals have access to highquality
and cost-effective products
that meet the needs of patients with
diabetes. The recommendation of
the CareSens S Fit as a preferred
supplier is a testament to the device's
reliability, accuracy, and ease of use."
To read the full recommendations,
click HERE.