KIT update
Updates and advanced notices on apps and other bits
and bobs.
Here there's news of a
new app for Omnipod on
iPhone, as well as a look at
potential interactions of
non-diabetes medications on CGM
results. But we start with a look at
carb-counting apps.
"Most of these we have
reported on before, so these are
mainly updates on new offerings
or collaborations. The first two
updates, on SNAQ and Undermyfork
are both carb-counting apps that
we've had within these pages before.
Although carb-counting can be
tricky, educating people about it can
be time consuming for NHS staff
involved in diabetes care. An app is
a way to potentially fast-track this.
I know that for me, I've been carbcounting
so long it's second nature,
but maybe for the newly diagnosed
these can be a boon. I can also
state for the record, I think that the
population at large could do with
learning the basics of carb-counting.
It's not just about sugar, and it's not
just about counting calories! So,
bring these apps and other tools on!
As they say, every little helps." - Sue
Marshall, editor.
Snaq & CarbVis
CarbVis AG has developed a userfriendly
and automated carbohydrate
assessment system with a view
to helping to provide better
diabetes management. The aim is
to address unmet needs estimating
carbohydrates for diabetes selfmanagement.
They say, "For people living with
diabetes, estimating carbohydrates
for an appropriate insulin dosage
is sometimes like gambling.
Decisions are often made based
on experience and gut feelings.
Is there a technology to estimate
carbohydrates that is reliable, fast,
and convenient? Our Qarbs app
solves this problem for you." They
further claim that it is accurate, fast
and convenient.
Announcing a collaboration,
the people at Snaq stated, "We
are excited to announce that we
completed the integration of CarbVis
AG into Snaq. CarbVis' extensive
regulatory, clinical and technical
work will enable Snaq to bring a
dedicated image-based insulin
dosing solution, that enables a quick
and, above all, reliable calculation in
a user-friendly way, to the European
and US markets significantly faster."
Undermyfork diabetes management
app co-founders Mike Ushakov,
Eugene Molodkin, and Nikita
Shulaev are combining meal
tracking and continuous glucose
monitoring (CGM) data in a clinicallyvalidated
While CGMs mean it is now easier
than ever for people with diabetes to
keep track of their blood sugar levels
throughout the day, it is still difficult
for users to accurately get a clear
picture of how insulin doses, blood
glucose, and activity correlate with
the food they have consumed. The
Undermyfork team decided to focus
their efforts on this problem. Says
Mike Ushakov, CEO of Undermyfork.
"Can we unlock the full potential of
CGM devices? CGM users not only
watch their blood glucose graph
change but actually make lifestyle
choices based on this graph?"
Undermyfork is a diabetes
management app that automatically
combines glucose data from CGMs
or BGMs with meal photos and
calculates postprandial (after a
meal) time in range (TIR). People
with diabetes can compare their
glycaemic response to various meals
and situations to quickly make
informed decisions about what to eat.