Boosting Immunity
with food
How to support your immune system naturally
through food, by Northern Ireland's most recognised
nutritionist, Jane McClenaghan.
"As the nights draw in and the days get colder, it is a perfect time to shake up your shopping list and add some
seasonal superfoods to help nourish your body and support your immune defences. Our immune systems need
a whole range of nutrients to keep infections at bay. We have the power on our plate to ensure we get adequate
nutrition to help keep us fighting fit right through the winter months. Here are some of my favourite immunesupporting
foods to add to your diet this winter season.
Choose colours!
As the seasons change, so should
our diet. Eating a rainbow of
colourful fruit and veg will ensure
you are packing your diet with
antioxidants, vitamins and minerals
that are essential for a healthy
immune system.
Antioxidants like vitamin C,
в-carotene, vitamin E, selenium,
copper, iron and zinc support
immune function and help protect
against infections from bacteria and
viruses, so packing your diet with a
rainbow of colourful, seasonal fruit
and vegetables should be part of your
immune defence plan.
There is an abundance of local,
seasonal produce to add to your diet
at this time of year, and the more
colour we can pack into our diets, the
• Red and blue foods like berries,
cherries, apples, redcurrants,
raddichio, red cabbage and
beetroot can help support a healthy
inflammatory response. Packed
with antioxidants and carotenoids
like astaxanthin and lycopene, the
red coloured fruit and vegetables
anti-inflammatory properties to
help support your immune system
• Green and orange coloured,
seasonal veggies like sweet potato,
butternut squash, carrot, kale,
chard, cabbage and brassicas are a
good source of the vitamin A precursor,
beta carotene is required
for a healthy immune response,
white blood cell production,
supporting mucosal barriers and
anti-inflammatory properties.
• Of course, most of us know how
important vitamin C is for our
immune systems. Good sources
include citrus fruit, peppers,
berries and blackcurrants, broccoli,
kiwis and Brussels sprouts!