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The small Print
With our website and monthly online
magazine we aim to bring diabetesrelated
information to anyone who
wishes to read it. Our editorial sections
presently include kit, news, food news
and features. As far as kit is concerned,
we produce listings so you can then
choose what's best for your own
diabetes care. We are not necessarily
recommending products but bringing
you information about them.
We include global news stories
with a local focus on the UK and Irish
markets. Sources are supplied as often
as possible so you can go back and
read the original or fuller reports.
Features are on any and all aspects of
living with diabetes. We tend to focus
on new products and technological
advancements. Sometimes features
are themed specifically for T1D or for
T2D; you can pick what you want to
read about.
Adverts are supplied by
advertisers and we do not implicitly
endorse the suppliers or products
involved. If an item is sponsored,
such as the feature or news sections,
then it is written by Desang with
advertising banners associated with
the sponsor; the sponsor does not
have full editorial control but they
do have input. Advertorial is stated
as such - it will say 'advertisement
promotion' and may look like the
rest of the magazine's design but it
is written in collaboration with the
advertiser. They get their message
across but with advice and input from
Desang's writers and editors.
Trademark and Copyright symbols
are not included in editorial coverage,
only within adverts. These marks are
not necessarily of interest to readers
and impede the reading experience. If
we included them for every product
covered the pages would be a very
unappealing to read.
We aim to bring you information,
but it's your diabetes. Talk to your
medical team if you have further
questions or concerns. While
we report on products such as
supplements or glycaemic index and
carb-counting as part of diet, it is your
responsibility to find out more if you
need to.
We include coverage of all sorts of
foods - soft drinks, chocolate, booze -
as these are part of normal life. We are
not encouraging consumption of these
items, we are bringing you information
about them. You choose what you eat.
We'd include soft drinks as they can
come in handy for treating a hypo, not
necessarily as part of a diabetic diet.
Susannah Hickling is a health writer with a particular
interest in diabetes. She previously worked at Diabetes UK.
Julia Britten is an experienced graphic designer.
James Anstee is a marketing consultant specialising in
social media creation via his business Content 4 Social:
Welcome to our last
issue of this year. It's
one full of celebration
and hope, which
echoes the season. There's a lot of
news, as we've coverage of World
Diabetes Day (WDD) which is quite
the annual event now across the
globe and, more locally, here in the
UK we had the winners announced
for the annual Quality in Care
(QiC) Diabetes awards. These bring
attention to the many projects lead
by NHS teams within diabetes care.
Winners gain recognition as well as
thanks and can share best practice
with other diabetes care teams.
There's simply pots and pots
of news in this issue, with some
interactive items too. There's a
survey (p.13) asking those with T1D
if they want to work towards a new
metric, 'time in tight range'. I'd urge
you to take a peek, you might have a
view (we'll publish the results when
they are known).
There's also proposed new card
game (p.24) called DiaFight looking
for start-up funds to get the first
print run of packs of cards underway
to then be given out for free as fun,
educational tools. It all looks rather
fun, if you like a game of goodies Vs
baddies. Do take a look!
We bring you a rather marvellous
film from Breakthrough T1D (until
recently JDRF) about what a cure
would feel like. It's quite emotional!
There's other news from the other
charities too - everyone's been busy.
We've KIT reports on the first 10
years of Libre, as well as more info
on Dexcom ONE+, a CGM for people
with T2D and the benefits it brings.
Lastly, there's some seasonal
nibbles andsue.marshall@desang.netsueffordable and nutritious Scottish
shellfish, as well as the second part of
our Making Carbs Count on autumn
orchard fruits. This time it's sweet
and juicy damsons, greengages
and mulberries.
Festive greetings!
sue.marshall@desang.netSue Marshall