Spice up your life!
Marion Mackonochie, Herbal Science Manager at
Lipton Teas and Infusions introduces its Spice Up Your
Life Rainbow report.
At Lipton Teas and
Infusions, we were excited
to sponsor and exhibit
in the United Through
Diabetes annual event in September;
a brilliant day where the focus is on
bringing together everyone in the
diabetes community. Lipton Teas
and Infusions is passionate about
the benefits of drinking delicious
unsweetened teas, so we were keen
to share some of our favourite Pukka
Herbs blends with attendees. Herbal
teas are a great way to increase
your herb and spice intake which
has been shown to have associated
health benefits while also providing
an opportunity to take a moment to
relax during the day
Herbs and spices are an important
part of both the Mediterranean
and Asian diets and are a likely
contributor to the health benefits
seen with both diets. Research is
catching up to what traditional
knowledge systems have known for
centuries; that consuming herbs
and spices contributes to better
health outcomes.
As part of Lipton's sponsored
research one of our brands, Pukka
Herbs, collaborated with researchers
at Kings University to assess the
available evidence on the intake of
herbs and spices. We found that
there is promising evidence for the
beneficial effect of many common
herbs and spices in the treatment or
prevention of some chronic diseases.
As a result of the mounting
evidence, we have published our
Spice Up Your Life Rainbow paper.