Images are for illustrative purposes only. Not real patient or data.
1. Haak, T. Diabetes Therapy (2017): 2. The FreeStyle Libre systems apps are only compatible
with certain mobile devices and operating systems. Please check our website for more information about device compatibility before
using the apps. Use of the FreeStyle Libre systems apps may require registration with LibreView. 3. Glucose readings are automatically
displayed in the app only when the smartphone and sensor are connected and in range. 4. Survey conducted by Abbott Diabetes Care,
96% of FreeStyle Libre users (n=9136) would recommend it to others. Data on file, Abbott Diabetes Care, Inc. (February 2022).
© 2024 Abbott. The sensor housing, FreeStyle, Libre, and related brand marks are marks of Abbott. ADC-100523 v1.0 11/24.
This is progress.
All it takes is our discreet1 sensor
and a glance at your smartphone2,3
96% of users would recommend
the FreeStyle Libre system to others4
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your diabetes
easy? Scan to try for free today