enhance health outcomes such as the
stability of blood glucose levels."
Let us assist you!
Hedia Diabetes Assistant (HDA) is a
medical device developed to support
patients managing their insulinrequiring
diabetes (IRD) and achieve
their desired health outcomes and
blood glucose control. HDA takes an
agnostic approach and connects to
BG devices and Smartpens. Based
on habits of the individual person
with diabetes and personalised
input, HDA generates insulin
recommendations with the aim of
helping the person with diabetes in
their insulin treatment.
HDA has been tested with nurses,
dieticians and patients at several
sites in the UK to generate real-world
evidence and ensure it will become
available to people living with insulinrequiring
Peter Lucas, Co-founder and
CEO of Hedia from 2015 to early
2024, who also lives with Type 1
diabetes has previously said, "In
Hedia, we have built a safe solution
that contains a modified bolus
algorithm to help myself and others
manage blood glucose levels based on
insulin dosage, physical activity, and
carb intake."
With the Glooko platforms,
patients currently have the ability
to share their diabetes data with
their healthcare providers (HCPs),
including blood glucose readings,
insulin doses, food and carbs,
exercise activity, blood pressure
and weight. With the integration
of Hedia Diabetes Assistant, people
with diabetes will be able to receive
bolus insulin dosing advice, which
will provide personalized care and
reduce the burden of manually
calculating required insulin doses. In
addition, when used in conjunction
with connected insulin pens*, the
integrated solution facilitates a
high level of visibility for HCPs
who are managing patients on
multiple daily injection (MDI)
therapy. This integration enhances
the capabilities of Glooko's remote
patient monitoring (RPM) and
supports virtual consultations for
MDI patients.
Class action
Julia Abrams, a spokesperson for
the company, explains, "Hedia is
a certified IIB medical device*
comprised of an app that offers a
bolus calculator for insulin dosing.
You can set up your profile with the
help of your healthcare professional
(HCP) for things such as your insulin
sensitivity. Your blood glucose
readings can be pulled into the app
from your blood test meter (not
CGMs, yet, though these readings can
be manually entered).
"It has an 'on board' food library.
You need to announce and name
foods, but you do not need to carb
count. It also has an option to
enter any activity you are about to
undertake (as light, moderate or
intense). There's an opportunity
to confirm any insulin-on-board,
and the app creates a log book of
all your readings, doses and other
information. This information can
be accessed by both yourself and
your HCP via Glooko (you can open
the Hedia app in the Glooko app and
data flows back and forth). HCPs can
then make recommendations and do
adjustments with you. New features
are also envisioned, as there is so
much data at hand via the system,
for example the possibility to glean
insights for your personal care in the
form of text suggestions."
"So far the app has undergone
eight clinical studies on safety
and clinical outcomes, proving its
efficacy as for example increasing
users' time-in-range while having
fewer hypos."
*see fuller coverage of what a Class
IIB device is on p.TK.
Initially available in the United
Kingdom, the solution will soon
expand to other European countries.
Anyone interested in accessing it
needs to speak to their HCP; it is not
possible to go direct. It is provided as
a service from Glooko.
So far the app has
undergone eight
clinical studies on
safety and clinical
outcomes, proving
its efficacy as
for example
increasing users'
while having fewer
hypos. ~
Julia Abrams