Micronutrient deficiency
A survey has found that nearly half of patients with Type 2 diabetes (T2D)
experience micronutrient deficiencies, with women experiencing these
deficiencies more frequently than men.
Prior studies have reported varying prevalence rates of micronutrient
deficiencies in patients with T2D, posing a significant challenge for
physicians and policymakers in formulating nutritional recommendations for
diabetes management.
Researchers conducted a meta-analysis of studies to estimate the
prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies in patients with T2D. Deficiencies
of minerals or electrolytes and vitamins (A, B complex, C, D, E, and K) were
assessed and subgroup analyses examined variations in the prevalence of
micronutrient deficiencies across sexes, diabetic complications, hospital vs
community settings, and World Health Organization (WHO) regions.
The researchers found that, among patients with T2D, the pooled
prevalence of micronutrient deficiency was 45.30%. Among those with
diabetic complications, 40% had micronutrient deficiency. A sex-specific
analysis showed that the prevalence of micronutrient deficiency was
slightly lower in men than in women (42.53% vs 48.62%, respectively). The
prevalence of deficiency was highest for vitamin D (60.45%), followed by
magnesium (41.95%), iron (27.81%), and vitamin B12 (22.01%). The prevalence
of micronutrient deficiency also varied across WHO regions, with the highest
prevalence found in the Americas (54.04%).
Diabetes educator Tony Kelly
has been awarded an honorary
doctorate by the University
of Warwick in recognition
primarily of his work with
the UK's Caribbean and Black
African communities, who are
particularly prone to develop
Type 2 diabetes..
Hello Dexcom G7!
Insulet Corporation has announced
that its Omnipod 5 is now compatible
with the Dexcom G7 Continuous
Glucose Monitor (CGM) in the UK
and Netherlands.
The Omnipod 5 is the first
tubeless, waterproof Automated
Insulin Delivery (AID) system with
proactive glucose control, approved
for individuals with type 1 diabetes
ages 2 years and older. It is the first
and only tubeless AID system that
integrates with the leading sensor
brands to automatically adjust insulin
delivery and manage glucose levels,
both day and night.
Omnipod 5 is a hybrid closed
loop (HCL) system and has three
main features:
• SmartAdjust technology: Every 5
minutes, SmartAdjust technology
receives Sensor value and trend
data, and it takes this information
and predicts where glucose will be
60 minutes into the future. It then
increases, decreases, or pauses
automated insulin using the user's
customised Target Glucose.
• Activity Feature: The Activity
feature increases the glucose target
to 8.3 mmol/L (150 mg/dL) and
reduces automated insulin delivery
for up to 24 hours, for times when
glucose typically goes low when, for
example, exercising.
• SmartBolus Calculator: The only
tubeless AID System with a built-in
bolus calculator that will suggest
bolus amounts based on individual
settings, entered values, and CGM
trends if glucose levels are static,
rising or falling.
As well as now being compatible with
Dexcom G7, Omnipod 5 can also link
with Abbott's FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus
and Dexcom G6 Sensors in the UK
and Netherlands.