Discover a life with
no tubes attached.
Or strings.
©2025 Insulet Corporation. Omnipod, the Omnipod logo, OmnipodPromise and Simplify Life are trademarks or registered trademarks of Insulet Corporation in the United States of America and other various
jurisdictions. All rights reserved. Insulet International Limited, 1 King Street, 5th Floor, Hammersmith, London W6 9HR. INS-N/A-11-2024-00005 V1 Pt7
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Suitability for Omnipod® should be discussed with your Healthcare Professional.
Terms and Conditions apply.
Pod shown without necessary adhesive.
Omnipod 5 Controller and screen shown for illustrative purposes only.
*The Pod has a waterproof IP28 rating for up to 7.6 metres (25 feet) for up to 60 minutes. The PDM/Controller is not waterproof.
For further information on OmnipodPromise® please speak to an Omnipod® Specialist on 0800 011 6132. Your call may be recorded for
quality monitoring, and training purposes. Calls to 0800 numbers are free from local landlines but other networks or network carriers may
charge for these calls.
Omnipod® Insulin Delivery System.
No Multiple Daily injections.
With the OmnipodPromise®
you can experience Omnipod® without
the constraint of a lock-in period.
That way, you can try it and decide if
Pod Therapy is the right treatment for you.