Wise up!
The smarts behind
solution, including
its new InPen
injecting device
that collects data
on your dosing
and saves it to
an app - and
beyond. By
Sue Marshall.
Recent research has shown
that while using a CGM can
improve the control of a
person with Type 1 diabetes
(improve their HbA1c), it's becoming
clearer that CGM on its own does not
bring as great an increase as using
a CGM in conjunction with a hybrid
closed loop (HCL) insulin pump. At
Medtronic, the addition of this other
layer, one that is 'smart', can bring
together all the data involved in
managing diabetes (glucose reading,
carb input, insulin dose). This can
also be run through an algorithm in
the pump which can lead to a series
of predictive alarms and suggestions
tailored to the individual. This takes
out a lot of the guess work involved, it
also reduces the level of risk for highs
and lows, overall making living with
the condition easier. Reducing the
burden of living with the condition
also helps impact general control in a
positive way.
In this case, it involves linking
together Medtronic's InPen with an
app, its new Simplera CGM and - if
wished - the results can be viewed
not only on the app but on an Apple
Watch too. Medtronic's InPen tracks
and logs all insulin dosing and even
includes a dosing calculator. Some
of us may remember in 'the old days'
early Medtronic MiniMed pumps had
a feature called the 'bolus wizard'. It's
a tool that helps the user to calculate
what dose to give themselves based
on information they put into the
calculator, such as amount of carbs
and whether or not they are about to
undertake activity.
The In-Crowd
Medtronic's InPen is a smart pen
which has prefilled insulin cartridges
('carts'), so it's easy to change an
insulin cartridge as needed. Also
available on the app, alongside the
dose calculator feature, it's possible
to set up alerts for glucose lows and
highs. The result is improved control
and, over time, fewer alerts and
interruptions from the system. All
good news!
Medtronic is calling this the
'smarter way to MDI' [multiple daily
injections]. Among the many options
on this sophisticated new approach
to injecting, there are features such
as the 'missed dose alert'. This would
be triggered should the CGM sensor
indicate that perhaps the user has had
a meal that they may not have dosed
for. The alert will let them know that
they may need to take action and
respond to the notification.
As this data is being pulled into
an app, then into 'the cloud', and
into Medtronic's broader diabetes
management platform, WePartner
for healthcare professionals, it means
HCPs can see the data, including the
alarms, which can lead to a discussion
with the user - for example about
actionable dosing guidance. There's