"Poor metabolic health is becoming one of the biggest
threats to the human race," says co-founder Anttoni
Aniebonam. "From our trial, we learned that most of our
users are trying to find the right foods for them to lose
weight or to improve their metabolic health. It's no secret
the food we eat has the most significant single impact
on our metabolic health, and hence we doubled down on
building features and improving our algorithms to support
these objectives around eating right. While optimising
for athletic performance, lowering stress levels, and
improving sleep is of great importance for so many of you,
we are expanding our offering for you to do just this.
"Your body's response to food doesn't happen in a silo.
Your lifestyle habits have an enormous impact on how
your glucose responds to food. We learned that many of
our users were already using other wearables to track
their health and everyday habits. With this insight, we
improved Veri's connectivity with different wearables,
automatically fetching exercise and sleep data from
Apple Health to Veri. In addition, we built features helping
users to understand and predict how exercise, sleep,
and meal timing, and previous meals can impact their
food responses.
"After spending thousands of hours talking with our
users, we noticed no one needs another hamster wheel.
Getting metabolically healthier should be an inclusive
and fun experience for many. While we do appreciate any
pursuit of personal wellbeing, we stand for real people
and real health outcomes. Our brand celebrates this. We
believe in human betterment through technology while
remaining fully human!"
Veri is now available on iOS devices (Android coming
soon) in the EU, UK, US, Switzerland, Iceland, and
Norway. A monthly subscription of two sensors will cost
around £130.
SOURCES and further reading