Frog spawns
treatment for T2D
New research presented at
the Diabetes UK Professional
Conference 2023 has revealed that
a molecule secreted by frogs could
offer a new treatment option for
people with Type 2 diabetes. The
early-stage research found that a
protein secreted by the East Asian
bullfrog (Hoplobatrachus rugulosus)
was effective at boosting insulin
production as well as improving
glucose tolerance in mice. The GLP-1
group of Type 2 diabetes drugs have
been based on molecules found in
animal venom, and skin secretions
from frogs are also known to have
insulin-stimulating properties.
Previous research funded by Diabetes
UK identified a molecule within these
secretions called tigerinin-1r that can
boost insulin release and suppress
glucagon, a hormone that raises
blood sugar levels.
In the study, a team at the
University of Wolverhampton
explored the effects of combining
tigerinin-1r with a hormone called
GIP, a component of an existing
Type 2 diabetes drug, tirzepatide
(Mounjaro), which triggers the
release of insulin from the pancreas
and suppresses appetite. The team
found that, when combined, the
two molecules increased insulin
production by 50% in mice with Type
2 diabetes compared to tigerinin-1r,
and by 30% compared to GIP alone.
The combination drug was also
more effective at improving glucose
tolerance - a measure of how well
the body moves glucose out of the
blood and into cells in mice, than
tigerinin-1r or GIP alone.